
#SundaySessions begin at 10 AM. We open up with a potent worship and continue on into a 60 minute teaching. Coffee and snacks are available at the front kiosk free of charge. We now offer a Kid's Ministry. Bring the whole family, church is a family affair. If you're interested in volunteering for Kid's ministry - reach out!


Our upcoming #SundaySessions are scheduled for:

January 19th

February 2nd

Location + Parking

400 Church St, Sandpoint ID 83864

We are now located in the heart of Downtown Sandpoint. Service is held at the former Gardenia Center every other Sunday. Worship starts promptly at 10AM. Online streaming begins at 10:30am PST. All are welcome, come as you are. 


What to Bring

We want you to feel welcome exactly as you are. The Spirit of God is felt heavy in this place and we encourage you to come open and expecting a personal encounter. Please bring your Bible and something to take notes - we want our church body to be equipped with knowledge that sustains - not just a motivational message to forget.